Muhammed Khan
Legal Practitioner
Mining and Environmental Law
Muhammed Khan is a Legal Practitioner in the Mining and Environmental Law Department. Muhammed or ‘Moh’ as he is affectionally known has extensive experience advising clients on their rights and obligations under several pieces of legislation specifically impacting the mining and petroleum industries in South Africa.
Further, Muhammed has extensively engaged with various governmental departments including the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), the Petroleum Agency of South Africa and the National Energy Regulator of South Africa. This engagement included drafting various applications under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA), the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) and the Gas Act.
Further, Muhammed has represented several mining companies in inquiries initiated in terms of section 65 of the MHSA, appearing before the DMRE’s health and safety inspectorate. Muhammed combines his regulatory experience with experience in negotiating, drafting and reviewing various complex commercial contracts.
Prior to joining NSDV, Muhammed served as Head of Legal at Renergen Limited, a dual listed company (ASX and JSE) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Tetra4 Proprietary Limited (Renergen Group), an emerging natural gas producer and the holder of an onshore production right issued under the MPRDA. During his time at the Renergen Group, Muhammed oversaw the conclusion of a facility loan agreement with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (an agency of the United States Government) as well as the execution of key construction contracts necessary to construct a Liquefaction Plant (producing Liquefied Natural Gas and Liquefied Helium) with local and international contractors.
Muhammed commenced his career as a practising attorney at the law firm Hogan Lovells South Africa Inc (HL). During his time at HL, Muhammed was seconded to the London office of HL where he gained international experience in energy and infrastructure development projects.

Email: khan@nsdv.co.za