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Mandy Hattingh
Senior Associate

Mining and Environmental Law

Mandy Hattingh is a Senior Associate in NSDV’s Mining and Environmental Law Department. Her primary passion is energy regulation, as well as environmental and natural resources law.


Mandy has enjoyed being involved in several energy projects within the independent power producer’s procurement programmes, as well as private projects both within South Africa and in other African countries.


Her experience in a wide range of matters across numerous sectors including energy, mining, oil, and gas makes her one of the most knowledgeable minds in the industry. She also has experience in occupational and mine health and safety, consumer protection, civil aviation, administrative, constitutional, and customary law. 


Some of her work includes conducting due diligences and preparing environmental legal opinions, as well as providing advice on the environmental aspects of the supporting contractual arrangements for these projects.


Mandy has also assisted several clients with drafting environmental legal updates under the full suite of environmental laws, compiling appeals, and responding statements with respect to the authorisations and licences under environmental laws, conducting environmental and regulatory legal compliance audits, and giving presentations on developments in environmental law.

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